BOMB 2 / Winter 1981 - 82


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ABC No Rio speaks to Shelley Leavitt on their renegade approach to curating.

David Seidner interviews radical abstract artist Sofia Delauanay in the last interview before her death at 93.

Betsy Sussler talks to documentarian Jacki Ochs about The Secret Agent, her film detailing the use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.

Marie-Guy Baron interviews filmmaker Philippe Demontaut.

Directors Tim Burns and Jim Jarmusch discuss Against the Grain and Permanent Vacation with Lindzee Smith.

Filmmakers Bette Gordon and Karyn Kay investigate women's desire in and out of film.

Charles Ludlam and Christopher Scott, of the Ridiculous Theatrical Company, sit down for tea with Ted Castle.

Gary Indiana talks about his play, The Roman Polanski Story, and the importance of "spiritual utilitarianism" with Betsy Sussler.

Michael Smith laments the perils of the downtown scene with Rosemary Hochschild.


Features by Matthew Fleury, Christian Marazzi, Peter Fend, Walter Robinson, Cookie Mueller, Doug Latimer and Jeff Goldberg,  Glenn O'Brien, Gordon Stevenson, and Duncan Smith.


Artwork by David Deutsch, Lan Payne, Michele Singer, Duncan Hannah, Sheila McLaughlin and Lynne Tillman, Johanna Heer, Charlie Ahearn and Fred Braithwaite, Mark Magill, Jimmy DeSana, Barbara Bloom, and Jackie Winsor.


Literature by Matthew Geller, Burt Barr, Cookie Mueller, and Terence Sellers.

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