BOMB 13 / Fall 1985 (PDF only)



David Salle by Georgia Marsh.

Richard Chaves and Vincent Caristi by Betsy Sussler.


Fiction and Poetry by: Tina Lhotsky, David Rattry, Coleman Dowell, Mark Magill, Jill Godmilow, George Gott, Mary Anne Cartelli, Tama Janowitz, Jane Warrick, and Dennis Cooper.


Art by: Jan Groover, John Newman, Carroll Dunham, Stephen Kramer, Alexandra Avakian, Andrew Lord, Michael Robbins, Pam Glick, Alan Scarrit, Moira Dryer, Alfred Leslie, Mel Kendrick, Michael Tetherow, Doreen McCarthy, Katie Martin, Michelle Zalopany, and Dawoud Bey.

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